Friday 29 August 2008

OF Twenty Years Ago (29)

Hope Street, Liverpool / August 1988


  1. ... the photograph, the self portrait of you, it reminds me of greek heroes, of strong men, of character and of deep places that are where inspiration germinates, nurtures and sometimes also gets lost in, but when it does find it's way out is of impeccable quality.

    That's how I think of your talent, quite uniquely outstanding.

    (even if I sometimes spend months ducking and diving, not ready to speak, my vision of your work is unchangingly positive.)

    With care and love,

  2. Birgit...
    Thank you for your extremely generous comments on this from twenty years ago. These are some of the first words (of appraisal) I've read about my work from an informed artist/reviewer for very many years. I'm now quite unafraid of the self portrait thing in spite of how others might regard this practice... what with the unstoppable ravages of the aging process... and would recommend it to anyone with a curiosity about their own meaning in this brief existence and I will, I know, be able to find at least one to represent each year of the last 30... But that collection can wait. This one (taken from the short sequence) happened to have been made almost exactly 20 years to the day of my posting it (according to the date of processing on the neg sheet)... so, I thought it would do admirably, in the absence of anything else of interest I'd documented around that time.
